Introducing 119

Our Solution

119 provides a platform which facilitates communication between chronically ill individuals and bystanders in a medical situation in order to direct the response

Emergency Messaging

Quick Actions allow for pre-set messaging/communication with emergency contacts, functioning when a user is aware a medical event is starting (like a seizure).

Image of 119 on a digital watch highlighting listed features supported by the 119 Solution.


Emergency Planner interacts with nearby bystanders or first responders when the user is incapacitated. The bystander will be prompted to answer a series of questions that determines whether a call needs made to an emergency contact or emergency services, based on the user’s preference.

QR Code on Phone Image

Key Features

Medical ID Badge Icon
Tailored to Users
119 offers a personalized experience by allowing users to input custom information in both the Quick Actions and Emergency Planner components of the app.
Medical Symbol Icon
Aids Paramedics in Finding Critical Information
119 is structured in an efficient way to share the right medical information for a user at the right time, to the right people, in a concise and easy-to-understand method. 
Text Message Icon
Communication with Emergency Contacts
During a medical event, a user may be unable to manually send a message/call themselves. 119 eliminates this problem by allowing its users to store emergency contact information and pre-saved texts within the app. This way, during a medical event, help is just a few simple taps away from the user.
Mobile Phone Alert Icon
The Emergency Planner has an alarm feature built into it. If the user leaves the Planner open and does not interact, 119 assumes that a medical event has occurred, resulting in the alarm’s activation. This alarm is loud and is telling its surroundings that the user needs help.
Hands Shaking Icon
Designed for Bystanders
The Emergency Planner feature relies on bystander/first responder interaction, when the user is incapacitated. An alert from the user’s device will grab a bystander’s attention; this alert will direct the bystander to scan a personalized QR code and fill out a questionnaire about the user’s condition. How the bystander responds to the questionnaire will determine the next course of action.
Saving Money in Hand Icon
Unlike most of its competitors, 119 isn’t seeking 911 for all medical experiences. It is offering a variety of different elements at an overall lower cost to ensure the user’s desired medical outcome.